About Us
Timeless Studios warmly welcomes all creatives to its newly opened location in Bushwick, New York CIty!
Why timeless?
We don’t live forever, our art does. Whether you’re looking to record your entire band at once, podcast, or even a spot to run a practice, Timeless is the place to do it. Our studio is set up for a streamlined process, just plug and play into our Focusrite 18i20. Upon request, we have session drummers, guitarists, and bassists available for all your needs. Just minutes from the L train, it’s located in a small hub of music studios with great facilities. At Timeless Studios, we value every single minute with our clients. Music and community is what we love.
What We Offer
At Timeless, our studio is equipped with state of the art gear.
We offer:
Full music recording services featuring a Juno 106 Synthesizer, fully mic’ed 7 piece drum kit, 1970 Gibson L6S, Affinity series Fender Stratocaster, (several guitars*), Sterling Music Man Stingray Bass, VOX AC10 Amplifier, AKG 214 Vocal Mic, Behringer Drum Mic Suite, Shure SM57 and KSM8, Bluebird XL, and a pair of Universal Audio SD-1 microphones.
Our SD-1 microphones and audio-technica headphones are great for podcasting too, while our bright ambience and hand crafted decor makes a great recording environment.
Featured Talent
Luca and Will were featured in the August 2024 edition of Scatterbrain Magazine.
Full music recording services featuring a Juno 106 Synthesizer, fully mic’ed 7 piece drum kit, 1970 Gibson L6S, Affinity series Fender Stratocaster, (several guitars*), Sterling Music Man Stingray Bass, VOX AC10 Amplifier, AKG 214 Vocal Mic, Behringer Drum Mic Suite, Shure SM57 and KSM8, Bluebird XL, and a pair of Universal Audio SD-1 microphones.
Our SD-1 microphones and audio-technica headphones are great for podcasting too, while our bright ambience and hand crafted decor makes a great recording environment.